Huwebes, Disyembre 8, 2016

Project-based Learning and Multimedia: What it is? (Lesson 15)

       In this lesson, I've learned that, project-based multi-media learning addresses the basic knowledge and skills all the students are expected to acquire as laid down in the minimum competencies of the basic education curriculum. The teacher is not also just give the project, but rather he/she should roam around to check if the students really learn and have a collaboration in attaining the project. It is also a value-added and a powerful motivator because the students here is actively participating the given task. As a future teacher, I must use this for the learners can acquire the best knowledge and enhance their creativity.

Teaching with Visual symbols (lesson 13)

      In this chapter I've learned that, teaching visual symbols can help the learners understand more of what they see in their eyes. They can understand the topic by looking up the picture. It is also a good in motivation so that the learners can't feel sleepy heads. It can also add an artwork in the lesson as an activity for the learners can actively participate the class discussion. and, lastly, I must know how to draw or sketch for future use.

Maximizing the Use of the Overhead Projector and the Chalkboard(lesson 14)

      Using the Chalkboard in the class is essential to all teacher. I've learned in this lesson was that, in using chalk as an instructional material must not use permanently because it can also affect the students learning inside the classroom. Even if, it is inexpensive, I must know how to use it properly that even my students understand clearly what I am going to impart to them. As a future teacher, I must minimize the use of that instructional material for a good result at the end of the school year where students have a knowledge out of my lesson.

Sabado, Disyembre 3, 2016

Making the Most of Community Resources and Fieldtrips (Lesson 11)


               Conducting field trips is one of the effective way as an instructional material to the learners because it can help them observe the realistic things in order them understand efficiently the lesson. It can also abolish the walls that divide the classroom means, the learner can explore outside world, meet new people and gained knowledge as well. Yet, planning of this kind of activity is very hassle, that is one of the disadvantages. It bring the resources of the community - natural, artistic, industrial, commercial, governmental, educational - within the student's learning experience.

Huwebes, Nobyembre 24, 2016

The Power of film, video and TV in the classroom (Lesson 12)

              It is quite good to have this kind of instructional material because it can help and motivate the students to learn more and they can easily understand what topic is. It can engage their multiple senses in learning the topic. Aside of its benefits in teaching-learning process, there are also a disadvantages in using those instructional material, like it can use the teacher as killing the time in classes hour and if the students will not instructed properly, it can motivates them to search some pornographic videos instead of educational videos. It is good for the learning if it is use properly but it can deteriorate the learning if it is not use properly.

Miyerkules, Setyembre 28, 2016

Demonsration in Teaching (Lesson 10)

           In conducting demonstration in teaching, its aim is to get and sustain the interest of the learners, it should be simple but it focused the main idea and it is clear,don't hurry in discussing and check-out if the listener learned out of the topic discuss. Like role-playing and pantomime, demonstration also something very handy. It requires no elaborate preparation and yet as effective as other instructional materials when done properly. And also, demonstration shows how things are done and emphasizing the efficiency of the concept, a method or a process or an attitude.

Teaching with Dramatized Experiences (Lesson 9)

           Dramatic Experiences lead the learners used their multiple intelligences. Plays, pageants, pantomimes, tableau, puppets, and role-playing are obviously most in kinesthetically intelligent. We learn certain things quickly through an intense dramatic experience. These dramatic experiences, most especially role-playing, are most effective with lessons in the affective domain. It can develop the learners artistic point of view but at the same time, we must properly plan before using those instructional materials that is enough for a time given in a certain discussion.