Miyerkules, Setyembre 28, 2016

Demonsration in Teaching (Lesson 10)

           In conducting demonstration in teaching, its aim is to get and sustain the interest of the learners, it should be simple but it focused the main idea and it is clear,don't hurry in discussing and check-out if the listener learned out of the topic discuss. Like role-playing and pantomime, demonstration also something very handy. It requires no elaborate preparation and yet as effective as other instructional materials when done properly. And also, demonstration shows how things are done and emphasizing the efficiency of the concept, a method or a process or an attitude.

Teaching with Dramatized Experiences (Lesson 9)

           Dramatic Experiences lead the learners used their multiple intelligences. Plays, pageants, pantomimes, tableau, puppets, and role-playing are obviously most in kinesthetically intelligent. We learn certain things quickly through an intense dramatic experience. These dramatic experiences, most especially role-playing, are most effective with lessons in the affective domain. It can develop the learners artistic point of view but at the same time, we must properly plan before using those instructional materials that is enough for a time given in a certain discussion.

Teaching with Contrived Experiences (Lesson 8)

           Contrived Experiences are the edited copies of reality and are used as substitutes for real things when it is not practical or not possible to bring or do real thing in the classroom. These contrived are designed to simulate to real-life situations.It can lead them to see the object in different way but, it is the replication that can help them in learning process. The learners also engaged in physical experience which is game, that can help them in socialization. We used contrived experiences in order to overcome limitations of space and time and, to edit reality for us to be able to focus on parts of a process of a system that we intend to study.

Direct, Purposeful Experiences and Beyond (Lesson 7)

        In this stage, children or learners build-up their first experiences with the use of their senses, and that experiences lead them to go beyond.   Direct Experiences are firsthand experiences that serve as the foundation of learning. Direct experiences lead us to concept formation and abstraction. We should not end our lessons knowing only the concrete. We go beyond the concrete by reaching the level of abstract concepts.

Using and Evaluating Instructional Materials (Lesson 6)

            Instructional materials is important in teaching learning process because it can help the learners to actively participate and easily learned the lesson. There should be a proper usage and effectiveness in each instructional material to be able the learners can understand easily and prevent misunderstanding.
          It is one thing to select a good  instructional material in facilitating learning but it is another thing to use it well. To ensure the effectiveness of usage of instructional material, Hayden Smith and Thomas Nagel, (1972) book authors on instructional Media, advises to abide by the acronym PPPF or Prepare yourself, Prepare your student, Present the material and Follow up. As a instructor or facilitator of learning, it is important to prepare a  lesson objective that you knew and what the you expect from the class after the discussion and why you have selected that kind of instructional material. Prepare the students also during the discussion, give them some motivations that suit the lesson for them can facilitate and there is an interaction in the class. Present the material first to your own as a teacher, understand and familiarize it so that it easy for you to expand and explain during the discussion. In order to test if your lesson objectives was attained, there should a follow up to find it out and also to test if  the instructional materials  is effective during the discussion.
       As a facilitator, we must use an instructional materials that is effective in the teaching learning process. After thinking the objectives in  the lesson, it is important to select a learning materials that suit our lesson. But, overall the teacher is the best instructional material in teaching learning process because he or she is the one who prepare, facilitate and impart the knowledge to the learners.

Miyerkules, Setyembre 14, 2016

Cone of Experience (Lesson 5)

            Experience is our best teacher. According to one of the principles in the selection and use of teaching strategies, the more senses that are involved in learning, the more and the better the learning will be but it does not mean that concrete experience is the only effective experience that educators should use in transferring knowledge to the learner.
        The cone of experience that introduce by Edgar Dale, states that it is a visual representation that bands of experiences arranged according to the degree of abstraction and not the degree of difficulty. There are eleven (11) stages starting from concrete experiences at the bottom of the cone then it becomes more and more abstract as it reach the peak of the cone. Also, according to Dale, the arrangement in the cone is not based on its difficulty but rather based on abstraction and on the number of senses involved. The experiences in each stages can be mixed and are interrelated that fosters more meaningful learning. According also to Jerome S. Bruner a Harvard psychologist, he presented his three-tiered model of learning and he points out that every area of knowledge can be presented and learned in three distinct steps namely, Enactive, Iconic, symbolic. 
         The Cone of experience simply means that we can learn through the use of our senses and more on experiences in life because as they said, experience is our best teacher.

Martes, Setyembre 13, 2016

Systematic Approach in Teaching (Lesson 4)

             The focus of systematic instructional planning is the students. Instruction begins with the definition of instructional objectives that consider the student's needs, interests, and readiness. The system approach views the entire educational program as a system of closely interrelated parts. The systems' approach to instruction is simple in theory but from being simplistic in practice.
              The use of learning materials, equipment and facilities necessitates assigning the appropriate personnel to assist the teacher and defining the role of any personnel involved in preparation, setting and returning of all learning resources. It is structured and organized the way the teacher imparting knowledge to the students. The facilitator of learning in this approach should have this five guides in order for the students to attain the lesson and they have learn after the discussion; first, defining objectives, methods, appropriate Instructional materials, appropriate learning activities and evaluation.
              The systematic approach simply means that the instructional planning is focus on the students and it is well-organized in imparting and facilitating learning process for the students can be productive in their learning.

The roles of Educational Teachnology in Learning (Reflection) (Lesson 3)

              Technology serves as source and presenter of knowledge. It assumed that "Knowledge is embedded in the technology and technology presents that knowledge to the student. technology as computers serves as a productivity tool in order for us learners can learn with. 
              There are two roles in Educational technology in learning namely; the traditional role and the Constructivist Role. The Traditional Role states that technology is the delivering vehicle for instructional lesson of education and also, technology here serves also as a teacher. The Constructivist Role had five perspectives that described what technology serves as; first serves as tool to support knowledge construction, second serves as delivering vehicle for storing knowledge, third serves as context to support learning by doing, fourth serves as social medium to support learning by conversing and last, it serves as an intellectual partner. In short, the constructivist point of view states that Technology serves as a partner of the learner in their learning process.
            Whether used of  two roles in Educational technology stated above, it seems that technology increases the capacity of leaning, understanding and achievements for everyone of us. It improve and encourage collaborative learning that supports our development as learner in critical thinking and problem-solving skills when it is use properly.

Lunes, Setyembre 5, 2016

History of Educational Technology (Lesson 1)

          Educational technology as technological tool and media that assist in the communication of knowledge, and its development and exchange.

         There are six periods before we aimed our technology nowadays. The first is ancient where in the Greece, Spartan education emphasized the development of the physical body coupled with disciplined. Second, during the Medieval Era, the establishment of the Medieval University was an important milestone in educational development. In the renaissance period has three main lines of concern about Intellectual to which education belong, aesthetic and scientific. Education during the age of naturalism notable figure during this age was Jean Jacques Rousseau. His educational views were contained in a book titled Emile, which he authored. The aim of education was the preservation of the natural goodness of the individual and the formation of society based upon the recognition of natural individual rights. Herbart also came out with the five formal steps to teaching now known as the Herbart Method of teaching with the following steps the preparation, presentation, comparison ,abstraction, generalization and application. In the 19th century famous are the works of Dewey and Thorn dike. Dewey and American pragmatist, formulate the scientific theory of learning while Thorndike a connection advanced the three primary laws of learning. In 1926, educational films were used as instructional media In 1932, the first instructional television program was aired at the State University of Iowa. In the contemporary times the 2nd millennium saw the pervasiveness of educational technology in all aspects of educational organization and management. Most schools have already adopted the computerization of records, entrance procedures and all over aspects of administration and supervision. 

         Educational technology nowadays is very helpful in teaching learning process. It amazed me that there are six periods of aiming this technology in our generation. This subject help us awaken for what we knew for the past years and engage ourselves in using the technology   in daily living  as well as use it in the future I can impart it to my students. 


Sabado, Setyembre 3, 2016


                A lot of people used technology nowadays in daily living, technology is everywhere. It can help people in making their work easily especially in education. After understanding the importance and history of technology, we will see if technology is a blessing in education or it is a curse.
               Technology is a boon in education for it can be fascinating and mind-blogging in what it can do. It can bring people together, establishing invisible but powerful communication. It can transform societies, economies and cultures by opening them up to new ideas and other options, raising new expectations and creating new needs. The learner now can acquires knowledge anywhere, anytime_ in home, in workplaces, in recreation areas, in the streets, the learner has become his or her own investigation seeking knowledge and the teacher is no longer the sole provider of instruction. It can also make works easy in providing and imparting new information in educating the students. Technology is a bane when students overused it, instead of researching new ideas, they look-up pornography and other things that they may see in the internet. The teacher sometimes overuse and abuse television or film viewing as a strategy to kill time and cellphones that we spend most of our time in the classroom in our workplace texting and chatting nonsense businesses.
          Technology can be a blessing to education because it play an important role in teaching-learning process and humanization of life but when it is not used properly, it can be a disadvantage to instruction and human progress and development. Its up humans if we use it properly and we will not overuse, for us can feel a better life.