Lunes, Setyembre 5, 2016

History of Educational Technology (Lesson 1)

          Educational technology as technological tool and media that assist in the communication of knowledge, and its development and exchange.

         There are six periods before we aimed our technology nowadays. The first is ancient where in the Greece, Spartan education emphasized the development of the physical body coupled with disciplined. Second, during the Medieval Era, the establishment of the Medieval University was an important milestone in educational development. In the renaissance period has three main lines of concern about Intellectual to which education belong, aesthetic and scientific. Education during the age of naturalism notable figure during this age was Jean Jacques Rousseau. His educational views were contained in a book titled Emile, which he authored. The aim of education was the preservation of the natural goodness of the individual and the formation of society based upon the recognition of natural individual rights. Herbart also came out with the five formal steps to teaching now known as the Herbart Method of teaching with the following steps the preparation, presentation, comparison ,abstraction, generalization and application. In the 19th century famous are the works of Dewey and Thorn dike. Dewey and American pragmatist, formulate the scientific theory of learning while Thorndike a connection advanced the three primary laws of learning. In 1926, educational films were used as instructional media In 1932, the first instructional television program was aired at the State University of Iowa. In the contemporary times the 2nd millennium saw the pervasiveness of educational technology in all aspects of educational organization and management. Most schools have already adopted the computerization of records, entrance procedures and all over aspects of administration and supervision. 

         Educational technology nowadays is very helpful in teaching learning process. It amazed me that there are six periods of aiming this technology in our generation. This subject help us awaken for what we knew for the past years and engage ourselves in using the technology   in daily living  as well as use it in the future I can impart it to my students. 


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