Miyerkules, Setyembre 28, 2016

Using and Evaluating Instructional Materials (Lesson 6)

            Instructional materials is important in teaching learning process because it can help the learners to actively participate and easily learned the lesson. There should be a proper usage and effectiveness in each instructional material to be able the learners can understand easily and prevent misunderstanding.
          It is one thing to select a good  instructional material in facilitating learning but it is another thing to use it well. To ensure the effectiveness of usage of instructional material, Hayden Smith and Thomas Nagel, (1972) book authors on instructional Media, advises to abide by the acronym PPPF or Prepare yourself, Prepare your student, Present the material and Follow up. As a instructor or facilitator of learning, it is important to prepare a  lesson objective that you knew and what the you expect from the class after the discussion and why you have selected that kind of instructional material. Prepare the students also during the discussion, give them some motivations that suit the lesson for them can facilitate and there is an interaction in the class. Present the material first to your own as a teacher, understand and familiarize it so that it easy for you to expand and explain during the discussion. In order to test if your lesson objectives was attained, there should a follow up to find it out and also to test if  the instructional materials  is effective during the discussion.
       As a facilitator, we must use an instructional materials that is effective in the teaching learning process. After thinking the objectives in  the lesson, it is important to select a learning materials that suit our lesson. But, overall the teacher is the best instructional material in teaching learning process because he or she is the one who prepare, facilitate and impart the knowledge to the learners.

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