Martes, Setyembre 13, 2016

Systematic Approach in Teaching (Lesson 4)

             The focus of systematic instructional planning is the students. Instruction begins with the definition of instructional objectives that consider the student's needs, interests, and readiness. The system approach views the entire educational program as a system of closely interrelated parts. The systems' approach to instruction is simple in theory but from being simplistic in practice.
              The use of learning materials, equipment and facilities necessitates assigning the appropriate personnel to assist the teacher and defining the role of any personnel involved in preparation, setting and returning of all learning resources. It is structured and organized the way the teacher imparting knowledge to the students. The facilitator of learning in this approach should have this five guides in order for the students to attain the lesson and they have learn after the discussion; first, defining objectives, methods, appropriate Instructional materials, appropriate learning activities and evaluation.
              The systematic approach simply means that the instructional planning is focus on the students and it is well-organized in imparting and facilitating learning process for the students can be productive in their learning.

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